Navigating the Future: Current Trends and Future Prospects in Sustainable Logistics

Navigating the Future: Current Trends and Future Prospects in Sustainable Logistics

Leveraging IoT and AI for Demand Forecasting and Route Optimization in Logistics

Leveraging IoT and AI for Demand Forecasting and Route Optimization in Logistics

Turkey introduces Green Logistics Certificate to promote sustainable freight transportation

Turkey introduces Green Logistics Certificate to promote sustainable freight transportation

SLog4.0 consortium forges path forward in Florence meeting

SLog4.0 consortium forges path forward in Florence meeting

Understanding Digital Twin Technology and its influence on Logistics

Understanding Digital Twin Technology and its influence on Logistics

University of Aveiro organizes a seminar with round table on Environmental Sustainability

SLog4.0 University of Aveiro organizes a seminar with round table on Environmental Sustainability

The CURRICULUM for the Sustainable Logistic 4.0 study course has been defined and validated

SLog4.0 The CURRICULUM for the Sustainable Logistic 4.0 study course has been defined and validated

SLog4.0 partners successfully defined SUSTAINABLE LOGISTIC 4.0 study course DESIGN PRINCIPLES

SLog4.0 partners successfully defined SUSTAINABLE LOGISTIC 4.0 study course DESIGN PRINCIPLES

The SLog4.0 consortium members win the Best Paper Award

The SLog4.0 consortium members win the Best Paper Award

Funded by the European Union.
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and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the National Agency (NA).
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